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Тринидад и Тобаго /  Faizam, 57

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ID 91562
Типаж 168 см
77 кг
Другой цвет глаз глаза
Семейное положение Холост, один ребенок
Образование Бакалавр
Работа Business man
Желаемый возраст избранницы 24-30 лет
О себе Лев
Не курю
Не пью

i am the best and sweetest man you will ever meet. i am kind , loving ,sincere and very faithful. my endowment is 6 inches long. my goal is to get a very good wife that will treat me with a lot of love and sincerity. i promise i will treat her with all the respect in the world. i will be very good to her. she have to be willing to relocate to my country. i will pay for her to come. she will not regret having a man like me. my mailing address is mail me now and let us settle down to a good and decent life. thanks . please call me my phone number is 001 868 680 3545 please come i will really treat you good, love from my heart bye.

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