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Великобритания /  Manchester /  Thomas, 60

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ID 408787
Типаж 178 см
77 кг
Карие глаза
Темный шатен
Семейное положение Разведен, трое детей
Образование Кандидат наук
Работа Retired
Желаемый возраст избранницы 30-50 лет
О себе Козерог
Не курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

Life has been kind to me and I have three wonderful children who I spend as much time as possible with. My financial situation is fairly comfortable and I have had the chance to travel extensively. In fact I have retired early and am currently sailing my yacht around the world (currently in New Zealand, heading to Australia via Fiji, Vanuatu in 2024)

What do I think my perfect partner would be like? Someone who knows her own mind and who can express herself. At the same time someone who listens and takes other people into consideration, and would be able to understand and appreciate different cultures and views on life. Someone who loves the outdoors, sports and generally enjoying the simple things in life and has the energy and desire to try new things. Including sailing in beautiful surroundings. With bright eyes and a lovely smile.
Is that you?

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