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Индия /  Varanasi /  Alin, 62

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ID 404243
Типаж 171 см
68 кг
Черные глаза
Темный шатен
Семейное положение Разведен, двое детей
Образование Магистр
Работа Finance & accounts profess
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-56 лет
О себе Водолей
Другая вера
Не курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

A normal modest, kind, cheerful man with good and bad qualities and habits with positive and creative outlook towards life and able to set priorities and take appropriate decision under all circumstances. Living alone for more than 20 years.
Have variety of interests and hobbies including music, sports, books and collecting stamps, coins and antiques.
Ladies infatuated / impressed by American culture, thought and lifestyle, PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT. Looking for nice, charming, caring and family-oriented life partner who should be a very good cook, I like delicious home cooked food, cooked with love and care by the Queen of the home. She should be a bridge between family, relatives and friends and be able to keep them together.

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