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Австралия /  Sydney /  Victor, 53

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ID 400453
Типаж 178 см
89 кг
Серые глаза
Темный шатен
Семейное положение Разведен, трое детей
Работа It
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-47 лет
О себе Весы
Не курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

Privet! Kak dela?
I was born and live in Sydney. Both my parents are Russian, so I grew up in Russian tradition, going to Russian church, eating pelmeni, golubtsi, piroshki, selyedka... I can speak (and read Russian). I don't really write it as there is no need.
I am trying to find a girl who wants to start a new chapter in her life by moving to Sydney and being in a genuine, loving, fun, trusting and loyal, committed relationship. Share an amazing life together.
I would describe myself as romantic, loving, caring, generous, empathic and respectful. I can be serious, but am mostly relaxed, easy-going and funny. I try to be a good person/father/boyfriend every day.
We don't have to be the same/identical as life and relationships are all about learning from each other, sharing and evolving.
Love for you to contact me.
All the very best to everyone one,
IG: VictorSydney

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