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Мексика /  Zapopan /  Carlos, 49

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ID 396315
Типаж 175 см
104 кг
Карие глаза
Семейное положение Разведен, детей нет
Работа Farmer, investor, writer
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-42 лет
О себе Овен
Не религиозен
Не курю
Не пью

I am shy but sociable that cries with romantic songs and movies, I listen and respond intelligently on even controversial topics. All weekends are with loved ones. Always learning new things, as a citizen of the world am kind to nature, recycling and composting.
I am looking for a loyal, honest, reliable, sweet, sensitive and caring lady whose heart matches her astonishing appearence. I want us to spend a lot of time together, cooking, sports, dancing, chilling and playing. I will always be there for her.
My new life project is to find a princess to make her my queen with all the love and adoration she deserves, ready to start a big, spoiled and loving family.

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