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Все мужчины /  51-80 лет /  Блондины /  Голубые глаза /  Лев /  Магистр /  Иногда / 

Нидерланды /  Ede /  Peter, 53

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ID 393997
Типаж 180 см
Голубые глаза
Семейное положение Холост
Образование Магистр
Работа Lecture on university
Желаемый возраст избранницы 30-45 лет
О себе Лев
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

I'm Looking for a trustworthy and reliable woman. I'm a Lecturer at university, I teach broadcast engineering. I like a slender woman with small... (max B-cup) I like hugs. I live alone with my cat Jack. I speak a little Russian and Ukrainian. Women who agree with Putin about invading Ukraine: do not talk to me please and wake up! I have plenty of space in my house, so if you want to hide from the war. We can talk about it.
Girls from Russia or Belarus, think deeply how you you see a relationship. Traveling to Europe is very difficult for you. And to be frankly, we don't like Russians anymore. You could be an exception, but you need work heard for it. Don't be a Russian queen, get real. Get ride of your Russian attitude, only then you will have a change. It will take a lot of effort. I hope you understand. There will be man who tell you otherwise.... find out for yourself. Slava Ukrini! +31622603296

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