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Good day, ladies. How important are first impressions? Are we to believe that what we say in these short introductions will determine our futures as we seek love, marriage, home, family, even a possible soulmate? Love and lifetime relationships don't happen all at once. Nor do we grow that relationship in moments. This is merely a starting point that will take time, working at it. With care, understanding, patience, compromise, respect, kindness, and of course as much romance as can happen in a long-distance online courtship. If you were expecting Prince Charming, then I'm already misunderstood. To win your heart and hand, it's not a matter of being the dashing man who sweeps you off your feet. That would be great, but if we are trying so hard to impress each other, to be the "perfect" or "ideal" match, we can lose sight of what really matters. Just being ourselves. I dislike pretenses and hate lies/dishonesty even more. I'm a good, decent, loving nice guy. I'm intelligent, creative, (even working on writing my first children's book), who gives absolute commitment and devotion to those I love. Especially a wife and children. Do you want to be the sun and moon for me? To be my queen, my one and only. Forever. Then you must accept that I'm no longer some young, handsome lover. Yet, that doesn't mean you can't be happy or satisfied. Because my priority is being the best husband, the best partner, best lover, who will never give up doing my best to make sure my future wife has nothing to regret making me her choice as the love of her life and mate for life. To get that far, I need you to give me the same acceptance I'll give to you. And the same fair chance I offer you. I'll hang the stars for you. Touching your mind, heart, and soul. Please if we are compatible and suitable for each other, let's get to know each other. Without misconceptions, unrealistic expectations, preconceived notions, pretenses, or deception. Let's reach our hearts and hands toward each other. We can't discover love unless we are willing to take the risk. And simply get to know each other. That's the only way we can find if we are meant to be and should be together. Don't you agree? I'm here. I'm willing. Are you? I only want or need that one special lady. I'm not here to break hearts or hurt anyone. Or to date hundreds of ladies. I know I'm worth the consideration. I know what I seek in a woman. I won't settle for less. Neither should you. Still don't we owe it to each other to actually find out who we each should be with? Is there one lady here for me? If you think you might be her, then feel free to make the first contact. It doesn't matter who writes or speaks first. What matters is that we are still talking years later as husband and wife. Our love doesn't have to be a fairy tale. Just our own love story. Written by us as we live it. Finally, there is no reason it can't be "happily ever after". Not perfection. Just right for us. Because that too is up to us. I believe in love. And will believe in you! Will you believe in me? Then let's just talk. See where it might lead. We certainly won't know unless we try. What do you think m'lady? My heart is open. Full of love to share. And my life is just waiting for you to enter it. (And stay!)

UPDATE (April 2, 2023): My apologies to anyone who was interested and sent a message previously. Especially, those few ladies who I had started to communicate with. Shared more than one message with. Even though I kept my membership here, I wasn't active or using this site. A lot had to do with COVID/the worldwide pandemic and all problems associated with it. The worst was being isolated and the travel restrictions/limitations. It would have still been possible to find someone online and fall in love, but who could be sure if or when we could meet in person, be married, and be together? If ever. That could have led to two broken hearts and worse loneliness for both than was already being endured. There are still issues with getting American visas and new immigration to the US. Somewhat worse than pre-COVID. There is also that war going on in that part of the world that affects the stability of the region. And potentially or actually would interfere with visits, meeting in person, and trying to get married. My search and my goal is still the same as it was when I joined here. I think it is now more difficult, but I believe it is possible once again. At least, worth taking the chance and trying. So, I have returned. I am back. Many ladies who were here are no longer. Or like me, were inactive. Perhaps for an extended length of time. Even if you are still here and we happened to message in the past, it has been so long. Therefore, any relationship would be starting fresh. Any will be new. I also wish to repeat that you must be a non-smoker and add, this time, that I will reply to messages if they are personal ones. Ones showing actual interest in me and written specifically for/to me. Not just those apparently automatically generated & sent "intro" messages which might be sent to many men. Those that fit certain parameters. I may or may not answer those. In any case, those that will get my attention, and receive the highest priority are those that are genuine, honest, sincere, and show actual interest in getting to know me along with a real & possible future together. Does that make sense? Anyway, I am here. This time most likely to stay until I find my special someone and am in a committed relationship with her. That will be who I will meet and, hopefully, marry for life. Please feel free to ask anything you wish. Also, while I do not plan to recklessly rush blindly & too quickly into anything, it's now a couple of years later. I don't have the luxury of as much time "for looking" and in getting to know others in-depth as I would have done before. Please just be aware of that. It will still take as long as it takes. But, there is no time for wasted time or prolonging any communication that is going nowhere or doesn't lead to a probable future relationship. Thank you ladies for reading, your interest, and especially for those who reach out with messages to me. Take care. God bless. Peace 'n' love! Hope to hear from someone soon.

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