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Канада /  Windsor-Toronto-Niagara/batumi /  Matt, 51

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ID 319282
Типаж 173 см
97 кг
Карие глаза
Семейное положение Разведен, двое детей
Образование Магистр
Работа Detective/immigration/teacher
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-35 лет
О себе Рак
Не курю
Не пью

Want to know me? Just ask me anything. I am a Spanish-Canadian living in Eastern Europe.
Just one thing: I'm not an ATM machine or a travel agent or a lottery ticket. "Money is just Security, not happiness" I am not a perfect Man, but I am a good son, a good father, the best friend that somebody can have, and a good partner. I was divorced twice and I have two children who live with my second ex-wife. My profession is listed, please do not ask me If I have property, car, or how much I make per month or per year because I won't respond and I will ignore you, It is rude and it tells me that you are looking more for Financial stability (money) rather than a good partner/husband. Be yourself, be genuine. I don't like actresses and If you look at my profession it will tell you that you can't fool me at all. Be smart, I just rather the truth doesn't matter what it is. You don't need to speak fluent English, basic is Ok, besides my dual profession I am also an English/ESL teacher as well. Sorry for being that straightforward and sincere and please, DO NOT SEND ME NUDE PICTURES, you will be automatically disqualified since I am too Conservative for that. I am looking for a woman willing to learn everything from me, a woman who likes to advance and is a good listener. A woman who is loyal/faithful and who loves me for what I am and not for what I have, a best friend and the best partner ever, somebody I can trust my life with. Love starts with a great friendship. Friendship is equal to TRUST, RESPECT, UNDERSTANDING, COMMUNICATION, AND LOYALTY. If you have that, you have the foundation for a great friendship as well as a great relationship. Age is just a number so don't be ashamed of being too old or too young for me, a good functioning mind is what matters. Also, there isn't a crime to have a child or being a single mother so don't be afraid to say it, just be proud to say it. FAMILY IS EVERYTHING TO ME AND COMES FIRST BEFORE ANYTHING. Thank you and good luck :)

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