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Индонезия /  Jakarta /  Azis, 48

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ID 185544
Типаж 166 см
57 кг
Карие глаза
Семейное положение Холост, один ребенок
Образование Средне-специальное
Работа Internetmarketing
Желаемый возраст избранницы 20-40 лет
О себе Стрелец
Не курю
Не пью

Hi! I’m Indonesian, loyal, caring and a very giving person., My friends say that I`m cheerful, sociable, easy-going man and I have sense of humour and try to see the lighter side of life. I like traveling, cooking, new experiences, new places, love kids and family

Looking for serious relationships with girl from other country and want to create a stable family and have childrens, wow... it’s mixing unique many culture.

Who knows, maybe this girl is reading my profile right now? thanks.

wa +62818959000


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