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Все мужчины /  41-50 лет /  Брюнеты /  Карие глаза /  Нет детей /  Дева /  Магистр /   /  Не курит /  Не пьет / 

Великобритания /  London/singapore/calcutta /  Anzy, 44

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ID 183281
Типаж 175 см
70 кг
Карие глаза
Семейное положение Разведен, детей нет
Образование Магистр
Работа Director-international busines
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-38 лет
О себе Дева
Другая вера
Не курю
Не пью

Over my years of working and living in different continents and experiencing different cultures, I have come to realize one can be happy anywhere provided he/ she has the right companion and partner. I am easy going, love music and live concerts(Rock/Contemporary/Rythm n Blues/Soul) shaking a leg to my favorite numbers,swimming,adventure sports. In my free time I like to read and research new frontiers of science and international finance, business research.

I view life as a journey which has specific goalposts which one needs to cross overtime to feel accomplished but can be very happy if he enjoy’s the process of doing it rather than focusing all thoughts and energies to the the end objective which comes over time.

I am an Indian and am blessed with the enormous spiritual heritage of our culture and deep insight of our ancient teachings which are amazingly accurate and much more scientific in approach if one delves deep.

I love nature and interesting conversations and comedy with sharp wit. I respect women and would like to meet someone who has an independent view of life and would like to enjoy the journey of life being together, having a family life and enjoy all the interesting facets life offers us to experience leading a comfortable but exciting life.Only ladies serious about long term relationship please.

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