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Мексика /  Mex /  Wenceslao, 55

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ID 9068
Типаж 160 см
68 кг
Черные глаза
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Образование Бакалавр
Работа Accountant
Желаемый возраст избранницы 27-38 лет
О себе Лев
Не курю
Выпиваю в компании с друзьями

I like reading, cinema, theater, dance a little traveling (when possible), I like almost all kinds of music, play chess every Saturday in the forest of Chapultepec (in Mexico City), and I just begin in July 2013 theater classes in the library "José Vasconcelos".

I think life is too short to be angry and try to enjoy the most of all the days, I consider myself a cheerful and look for a life partner.

The English I speak very little, remember I’m in Mexico and Spanish spoken here, but I think the language barrier can be overcome if there is interest on both sides. I look for Christian woman, educated, who wants to change from residence to Mexico for marriage. My telephone cel 52-5518347883

PD. If you write me, sorry if it takes me a while to answer.

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