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Германия /  Frankfurt /  Tushar, 42

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ID 408660
Типаж 173 см
70 кг
Карие глаза
Семейное положение Разведен
Образование Магистр
Работа Automotive manager
Желаемый возраст избранницы 20-44 лет
О себе Телец
Другая вера
Не курю
Не пью

As usual busy dealing with daily life, and working hard to keep things moving (balancing) professional, financial and social; difficult to find time, and sometimes don’t even have enough time to look for myself! so practically couldn’t be possible to write messages back and forth! I prefer another more intelligent way: In the evening before going to bed write a long, thoughtful and intelligent letter via email. And I will be glad to receive the same answer from you! And of course, a couple of video calls on weekends. Based on the collective communication, we understand that we are interested in each other, would like to ask you to take the initiative and quickly organize things as our first date. I will not spend months communicating, because I know that a serious-minded girl decides to meet quickly! What kind of woman am I looking for? I would prefer to meet an active personality who has a class and who knows what she wants from life. I am looking for a confident, well-educated intellectual, a homemaker with a kind heart and a kind soul, passionate, with a noble and strong character. I'm not looking for a marriage in the future. I am looking for a relationship: with frequent passionate beautiful meetings, enjoyment of communication, and love!

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