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Тайвань /  Taipei /  William, 51

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ID 252817
Типаж 171 см
50 кг
Черные глаза
Семейное положение Холост, детей нет
Образование Среднее
Работа Engineer
Желаемый возраст избранницы 18-32 лет
О себе Телец
Не курю
Не пью

Hi! Nice to meet you & for everybody~
My name is Allan. I am come from Taiwan, and stayed at Taipei city. So am I a single man. And i am a kind , gentle , tender, truth, like romantic person. Well ,I love art ,music,drawing,trip,photography ....and so on. Sometimes, I thinking about that I want to love and beloved with together.And you?(my Taiwan cell phone:0911-649-592(LIND same).

want to meet an angel. However she should be loving, kind, romantic, tender, and just love me. But I hope and wish that she will be loves life and make us happy living. We will enjoy our family life together!

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